I worked with Mick over a period of 12 weeks.  Appointments were easily made, that suited my working life at a time that suited me.

The Eating Freely programme was as much a deep dive into my psyche as it was coaching back to eating in a more sustainable way.  Mick used tools such as the HALT chart, videos and other tools that were emailed to me straight after the session to help me on my journey.

I found the programme very structured, engaging and interesting.  I learned and applied the concepts delivered to the parts of my life that needed changing.  It was a new way of looking at the reasons why I indulged in foods and offered tools to change my approach to eating.  Mick made the material simple, was empathetic and followed up with any questions/support I needed.  I never felt judged or embarrassed.

I’d recommend this programme and Mick to anyone who has tried a lot of diets and needs a new way to a more sustainable way of living.